Use "fought against|fight against" in a sentence

1. He fought energetically against apartheid.

2. They fought bravely against the enemy.

3. The Templars fought against the King.

4. She fought heroically against the disease.

5. Contend, LORD, with those who Contend with me; fight against those who fight against me

6. Your fight against the terrorists is our fight.

7. Police fought a pitched battle against demonstrators.

8. The Lord Jesus will go forth and fight against all the nations that fight against Jerusalem.

9. The two brothers fought together against their attackers.

10. The Amazons fought a war against the Mygdonians

11. My grandfather fought against the Fascists in Spain.

12. Partisan fighters fought in secret against the enemy.

13. They fought back heroically against its bloody suppression.

14. 5 Who fought against wasteful and earmark spending?

15. What impeded the fight against tuberculosis?

16. Advances in the Fight Against AIDS

17. He fought against the Nazis during World War II.

18. He's an old royalist — he fought against the republicans.

19. My father fought in Algeria against people like you.

20. It's hard to fight against certain biases.

21. They fight against enemies with only stones.

22. We fight with him against the Masters.

23. They were always black people who fought against racism.

24. I fought with the Scots against the Mau Mau.

25. 16 My grandfather fought against the Fascists in Spain.

26. 5 Advances in the Fight Against AIDS

27. We will have to fight against difficulties.

28. How does Satan fight against individual Christians?

29. The Fight Against Poverty —A Losing Battle?

30. The fight against drug abuse goes on.

31. Ethiopia Ethiopian teff: The fight against Biopiracy


33. Don't heroize,you can't fight against him.

34. We must continue the fight against homelessness.

35. He fought against the prior violence of hunger, sickness, subjugation.

36. England and France fought against Russia in the Crimean War.

37. During the Chinese Civil War Bai fought against the Communists.

38. The people of Africa have successfully fought against colonial rule.

39. They fought long and hard against the iniquities of apartheid.

40. Are we losing the fight against illegal drugs?

41. A New Defense in the Fight Against Tuberculosis

42. Chad wanted to fight against homophobia in Russia.

43. I tried to fight against sleep, but couldn't.

44. She died after a brave fight against cancer.

45. 34 Now Com did fight against them much; nevertheless, he did not prevail against them.

46. The Arameans also fought against Israel frequently in the Old Testament

47. They fought against privilege in order to create a fairer society.

48. Public cooperation is vital in the fight against terrorism.

49. He put up a good fight against his sickness.

50. Police urged continued vigilance in the fight against crime.

51. We should tirelessly fight against pornographic and illegal publications.

52. It is time to fight back against street crime.

53. The whole profession fight tooth and nail against it.

54. We are all brothers in the fight against injustice.

55. Fish instinctively fight their way upstream against the current.

56. Conservative voters led a fight against forced school busing.

57. He promised to continue the fight against infidel forces.

58. The fight against terrorism seemed to unite the nation.

59. Stricter controls will help in the fight against inflation.

60. The global fight against Atrocities is long and hard

61. 20 We must all fight against unfairness and cruelty.

62. Don't people have the power to fight against life?

63. She put up a game fight against her detractors.

64. 3 Why did he politicize the fight against terrorism?

65. Thousands of women fought using slingshots and arrows against armored Spanish soldiers.

66. England fought on the side of France against Germany in World War

67. Appalled, I fought against him, pressing myself back, making my body leaden.

68. Twelve years thus passed in my wild fight against the truth and against my wife and child.

69. This book also mentions that Saul, David, and Solomon fought against Arameans

70. The Latin American and African people have successfully fought against colonial rule.

71. 45 A·bimʹe·lech fought against the city all that day and captured it.

72. Cambodia is a global leader in the fight against HIV

73. 2 He promised to continue the fight against infidel forces.

74. Comoros: The tiny islands spearheading the fight against climate change

75. The Government has been assiduous in the fight against inflation.

76. Braeburn is committed to the fight against opioid use disorder

77. 17 The whole profession fight tooth and nail against it.

78. 13 The fight against malnutrition and preventable diseases must continue.

79. Collaboration is a key element in the fight against cybercrime.

80. This Companion can not be used to fight against Hades